Mail Pilot 2 1 – Task Oriented Email Client

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In conclusion, Mail Pilot is a practical and versatile email client that enables you to interact with your emails in a more natural way. Its task-oriented approach will definitely change the way. Mail Pilot is almost a full-scale reimagining of the concept of email and required a little training for me to think the way the app wants me to. Unibox focuses on conversations with people and tailors the interface to be more like a chat window than an email application.

Earlier Ubuntu users had limited choices in terms of applications available for Ubuntu. But with its rapidly increasing popularity in recent years, many application developers are extending their support to Ubuntu environment. There are still many users who prefer desktop email clients over browser based email clients because desktop email clients offers features such as work schedule, spam filters, etc.

So today we are going to have a look at best 10 email clients for Ubuntu.

Mail Pilot simplifies email with a task-oriented approach. From deleting an advertisement to remembering to pay your cell phone bill, all messages are action-based. Finally, these eight email clients were specifically chosen because each one offered one or more unique features, giving users unexpected—but welcomed—perks. The 8 Best Email Apps for Windows. EM Client for multilingual email exchanges. Thunderbird for echoing the browser experience. Mailbird for people who live in their inbox. Free Email Client For Mac You must be having one in the form of your Gmail or Outlook straight from built-in email app, namely the Mail app. Best Mac email clients of 2018 While Mail for Mac is a great email client for most users, some of us require something a little more feature-rich for our day-to-day life.

1. Hiri

Hiri is a cross-platform email client written in Python which can be used for sending and receiving emails, managing calendars, contacts and tasks. It is one of the best email clients available for Ubuntu and it could prove to be better alternative to email clients such as Microsoft Outlook.

Hiri has slick user interface which is very easy to use and it offers many features including email synchronization, calendar, integrated task manager, email filter, email rating and many more.

How to install Hiri

Step 1: Install snapd if you are running Ubuntu 16.04 or newer.

Step 2: Install Hiri snap package.

Step 3: To be able to open links in emails you will need to install snapd-xdg-open on Ubuntu.

2. Mailspring

Mailspring is an open-source cross platform email client which was earlier known as Nylas Mail or Nylas N1. Mailspring locally saves all the emails on the computer so that we can access them anytime using its advanced search feature. It supports AND and OR operators so that you can search for emails based on multiple parameters.

Mailspring has a really modern and slick user interface and also offers features such as mail merge, contact manager, calendar, privacy and security, scheduler and much more.

How to install Mailspring

Follow the steps used for snapd installation in Hiri description and then run the following command in terminal.


Thunderbird is one of the most popular and oldest open-source email clients. It is cross-platform email client which is developed by Mozilla and provides speed, privacy and accessible email service. It offers security and flexibility to enhance email productivity.

Thunderbird is a full-featured email client and has very good performance which offers many specialized features including customization, activity manager, themes, multiple-channel chat, smart folder etc.

4. Geary

Geary is also an open-source email client built for the GNOME 3 desktop. It is simple and easy to use and has modern and straightforward interface which allows users to read, send and find emails.

Geary is one of the best multi-featured email clients having features like keyword search, quick desktop notification and support for various email services like Gmail, Yahoo!, etc.

Mail pilot 2 1 – task oriented email client access

5. Sylpheed

Sylpheed is an open-source email client which is lightweight yet powerful and developed in C programing language. It is simple and easy to use email client especially designed for keyboard-oriented operation. You can customize this email client as per your requirement.

Sylpheed email client uses GTK+ interface and has slick user interface. It performs very well even on minimal hardware specifications. It offers many features like mail control, lightweight operation, speed, privacy and security, protocol support, high level processing and many more.

6. Claws Mail

Claws Mail is another open-source lightweight email client which uses GTK+ interface. It provides good performance and also supports keyboard-oriented operation like Sylpheed.

Claws Mail offers abundant features including quick response, email filtering, extensibility, email stability, editor support and many more.

7. Mutt

Mutt is terminal based email clients for Unix-like system and released under the GNU General Public License. Mutt is originally designed as a mail user agent and relied on locally accessible mailbox and sendmail infrastructure.

It is highly customizable having many interesting features such as color support, POP3 and IMAP support, desktop notification, etc.

8. Evolution

Evolution is one of the best open-source email clients developed for GNOME desktop environment and it is default email client on Fedora and various other debian distributions. Evolution supports Exchange Server and number of other email setups which can be used in various businesses.

Evolution is a personal information management application which provides features like memos, GNU Privacy Guard support, Integration with LibreOffice, task list, etc.

9. Kontact

Kontact is an integrated personal information manager application developed by KDE and it is a cross-platform email client. You can manage your communications more easily and organize your work faster by using Kontact email client which is very easy to use.
Kontact is a feature rich email client which offers features like calendars, notes, contacts, news, emails and also offers a number of interchangeable graphical user interface.

10. KMail

KMail is a part of Kontact email client and a personal information manager developed for KDE desktop environment. KMail supports a variety of email protocols such as IMAP, SMTP and POP3.

KMail is well featured email client having features like search and filter, junk mail filter, integration, privacy and security. Logic pro x 10 4 3 torrent.

So, these are the best 10 email clients you can try and use on Ubuntu. If you have already used any of these clients then share your experience @LinuxHint.

My Requirements

I have something of a condition when it comes to software in that I'm a real snob about what I'll use. A great example of this is the Adobe suite of apps. I use them begrudgingly because they are the absolute best at their given tasks. The moment I think an alternative like Pixelmator Pro or Affinity Photo is ready to fully take over for Photoshop, I'm bouncing out.

So, out of the gate the email application simply has to be great at email, and beyond that I have a few other things that I personally put a lot of weight behind:

  • Nice design. Totally subjective, but I spend way too much time drafting and responding to emails to not love and delight in an interface.
  • Native Mac and iOS apps. The 'native' part here is the rub. I don't want a bullshit web wrapper app like Slack or any of the other numerous Electron-based apps that totally shit the bed when there isn't an internet connection.
  • Have a Snooze/Read Later feature. This is a must, some emails are simply more important than others. Get these others out of my face until I need to address them.
  • An 'Other' Inbox. Separate my 'actual email' from 'newsletters' and other stuff I subscribe to. Never again shall an important email go overlooked.

What did I try?

Mail Pilot 2 1 – Task Oriented Email Client Login

For a long time I was a Polymail user and while their service is wonderful, it seems like it would really shine if you had a team of people using it rather than just little ol' me. Plus there's the fact that it cost $120/year. I don't mind paying for good software, especially when my requirements are so specific, but I felt like I was paying for a lot of features I wasn't using, which is why I began the hunt again.

Once I dipped a toe into the consumer-facing side of things, email clients get pretty complicated. I decided I would give each app a minimum of two weeks as my sole email-app, but sometimes longer if it was working well. For the ones that were macOS-only, I supplemented it by using the default Apple Mail app on my iPhone/iPad.

All Email Is Unique

One thing this search has taught me is that all email needs are unique and that what works for me probably wouldn't work for someone else. Apps like Canary and Spike have really amazing encrypted email technology built-in if that's something you might require. Mail Pilot is almost a full-scale reimagining of the concept of email and required a little training for me to think the way the app wants me to. Unibox focuses on conversations with people and tailors the interface to be more like a chat window than an email application. Ultimately, though, I think I've found my winning combination of features…

Newton is the Sweet Spot

Mail Pilot 2 1 – Task Oriented Email Client Portal

Paying about $4/month to ensure development continues for a product like this is a no-brainer. It checks all of the boxes and just seven days into my 14-day free trial I'm pretty much ready to pull the trigger. Some fringe benefits of paying for this service are things called Superchargers, or extra features, that would be disabled if you chose to just use the free version of this app. Some of my favorites are:

Read Receipts

I generally don't care about this sort of thing for my personal work, but for certain clients it's nice to know that they have indeed opened and checked out my email and *cough cough* invoices.


I can see this saving my professional life. It automatically combs through emails that I haven't responded to or that include due dates or reminders and distills it down to a few actionable items. Circular studio 1 4 9 download free. This is done in a separate part of the app, too, so you can turn email into something task-oriented. Speaking of which..

3rd-Party Integrations

I can take a Recap email with dates involved and send that directly to my connected Trello or Asana boards to give it more visibility. Newton currently supports a lot more, too:

Send Later

I didn't even know I needed this feature. I'm a nite owl by nature, but I don't necessarily want clients knowing that so I can wrap and export an edit at 3am, draft the email, and schedule it to send to them at 8:52am so I give the appearance of a functioning adult.

Runners Up

Mail Pilot 2 1 – Task Oriented Email Client Login

The app that I actually ended up using the longest was Spike, despite the fact that it's a web-wrapper app for macOS. It's got a great combination of features and even though I added my domain as one of the accounts, it didn't prompt me to begin paying a monthly fee. I have to assume that it's because it's through Google Apps rather than a standalone IMAP account, so there's a fringe benefit for other GApps users.

Mail Pilot 2 1 – Task Oriented Email Client Interview

Mail Pilot is definitely one to keep an eye on. If you're the type of person who religiously uses the GTD method or is in OmniFocus planning out your day, you will probably fall in love with Mail Pilot. When their iOS app finally launches, I'm going to saunter back around and see what they've come up with. If it's compelling enough, I'll definitely give it another try.

My Digital Life Feels Cleaner

Mail Pilot 2 1 – Task Oriented Email Client Description

Email is a necessary evil in my life. I wish that it could be as easy as inviting all of my clients and friends to a big ass Slack channel or Discord and just have real-time conversations there, but that's not the reality of business. Having an email client that almost acts as a personal assistant is a huge time saver and frankly something I'm willing to put my hard-earned dollars into supporting!

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