Wifi Signal: Status Monitor 4 2 2

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Wifi Signal: Status Monitor 4 2 2019

Well, I've tested this out for an hour.
It's not something I need so I uninstalled it.
The only benefit I see is that it can display the info in the menu bar so you don't have to Option-click the Wi-Fi icon to see it.
I'm staying in a hotel right now and there are 4 different signals which use the same name but different BSSID's. Two use channel 4 and two use channel 8 (verified by WiFi Explorer). But WiFi Signal only shows one, and says 'no better channels to recommend for this network.' That's probably true since I am connected to the strongest one, but I'd still like the option to connect to one of the other signals.
Sometimes at this hotel my Mac has connected to one of the weaker signals and no matter how many times I turned Wi-Fi off/on it wouldn't connect to the strongest one.
There are 16 items you can choose to display. There's no text for most of the items, so you have to know what you're looking at. Right now after the signal name and BSSID # I have 2.4 n 4 20 -57 71 -80 33 22 195 217 23.
It won't display the device name for the hotel's router (WiFi Explorer does), but with everything else showing it's using five inches of menu space (of course no one needs to display all that).
There's no option to show the IP address.

Wifi Status Box

Monitor your WiFi network status with WiFi-Tracker. It will display the network you are connected to, and the signal strength (percent and graphical bar display). Now you can get a free account. Monitor and troubleshoot the quality of your Wi-Fi connection. WiFi Signal is a system menu bar application that provides easy access to your Wi-Fi connection details (name, channel, transmit rate, signal strength, noise, etc.), monitors the signal quality of your wireless network, and can find and recommend alternative channels for your network thus avoiding signal overlapping and channel. NetSpot can monitor your Wi-Fi network's signal level, signal-to-noise ratio, channel interference, network security and more. Anamorphic pro 2 0 – professional lens blur tool. Step 1: Load a floorplan Load a floorplan of the area you wish to scan, or use NetSpot's drawing feature to draw a map (macOS version only), and then click Continue.

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